Kövess minket: https://www.facebook.com/pepicat.hu/ és https://www.facebook.com/groups/233085281155794/ A videóban 29 féle állathang hallható, az állatokról készült videókkal, képekkel együtt. Van köztük háziállatok hangja, erdei állatok hangja, vadállatok hangja, de rovarok és vízi állatok hangja is. Hogyan „beszélnek” az állatok? Ez mindig érdekes téma a gyerekeknek.
There are 29 animal sounds in the video, along with videos and pictures of the animals.
They include, for example, the sound of pets, the sound of forest animals, the sound of wild animals, but also the sound of insects and aquatic animals.
How do Animals Speak? It’s always an interesting topic for kids.
What does the lamb say? What does the cow say? What does the goat say? What does the donkey say? Could be more … Kids often ask what pets say? But they are interested in the sound of the lion, the tiger or the elephant. The sounds of wild animals are also exciting for the kids. Just like what the owl, the stork or the cricket says. 🙂
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