5 Educational Technology Trends in 2024 | Future with eLearning | Digital learning in 2024 | Trends in Educational Technology | Online Education
| Trends in Education | Area of New Education | Futureyan
About the Video:
0:00 Importance Of Technology In Education
1:09 1. Learning Outside the Classroom Environment
2:02 2. Gamification
3:05 3. Collaborative Learning
4:15 4. Immersive Learning with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
5:52 5. Virtual Learning
Technology has become a key part of every sector because of this we can say “Technology is everywhere”. When we talk about 21st-century students who are more interested in technical things this is an important reason that technology covers the education sector.
Technology in education creates an amazing opportunity for a teacher to use in the classroom to make teaching and learning more effective. Technology is everywhere and when talking about students survive in post-secondary education and the business world, they must know technology.
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EducationalTechnologyTrendsin2021 #EducationalTechnology #EducationalTechnologyTrends #eLearning #FuturewitheLearning #Digitallearningin2021 #TrendsinEducation #VirtualLearning #LearningwithAugmentedReality #OnlineEducation #Digitallearning #Technologyineducation #futureyan
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