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American vs. Canadian NETFLIX…HUGE difference!

4:36 Netflix comparison begins

Ever wonder which country has the best Netflix? Well we did. My American friend and I (I’m Canadian) got together virtually, logged in to our Netflix accounts in our own countries, and directly compared them. We played “Do you Have This” where we rapid fire show titles to see if the other has it. If one country has a show or movie that the other does not, the country that has it gets a point. We also extended our curiosity to Amazon Prime, Hulu, and Crave. The results will blow you away!!

Be on our TRIVIA SHOW: https://www.jomofilms.com/quizshow

BEHIND THE SCENES: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CBBAMrPBn1N/?igshid=b5wdbu6qzd1i

Skip to:
4:36 Comparing Netflix in Canada vs. Unites States
10:55 – Movies on Netflix in Unites States vs. Canada
13:52 – Getting a quarantine haircut by my wife
15:09 – The beard bib no mess shaving
18:18 – Netflix PRICE comparison and other streamers
20:06 – Canadian Genre on Netflix

*American vs. Canadian McDONALD’S https://youtu.be/tWk6i5tLh6c
*American vs. Canadian SELF-ISOLATION: https://youtu.be/CFcQNGV7WbY
*Eating POUTINE in MONTREAL : https://youtu.be/NnjBRsd0lhI
*Eating Canadian Chicken at SWISS CHALET: https://youtu.be/XyBEfCuM3A4
*DUNKIN’ DONUTS vs. TIM HORTONS: https://youtu.be/K70gRYOMAOM
*Jason Explores Canadian Grocery Store: https://youtu.be/iCgoNwxHjUs
*Reuniting at US-CANADA Border during LOCKDOWN: https://youtu.be/n2GDeVlG6hg

Buy some stuff to try out for yourself…
*The Beard Bib https://amzn.to/35XURjv
*Swiss Chalet Dipping Sauce: https://amzn.to/2T3Zlz1
*Timbits Cereal: https://amzn.to/39V0jEQ

Want to send us something? Mail to:
ATTN: Joseph DeBenedictis
777 Warden Ave. Store #9
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
M1L 4C3

Instagram – http://instagram.com/joseph_video
Twitter – http://twitter.com/joseph_video

Joseph’s Production Company with fun videos: http://www.jomofilms.com

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