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Copyright ownership gives the owner the exclusive right to use the work, with some exceptions. When a person creates an original work, fixed in a tangible medium, he or she automatically owns copyright to the work.

Many types of works are eligible for copyright protection, for example:

Audiovisual works, such as TV shows, movies, and online videos
Sound recordings and musical compositions
Written works, such as lectures, articles, books, and musical compositions
Visual works, such as paintings, posters, and advertisements
Video games and computer software
Dramatic works, such as plays and musicals
The Copyright Office has information online, and you can check with a lawyer if you want to know more.

Can I use content from a work that’s protected by copyright?
Copyright holders have the right to control most uses of their works. In some circumstances, it’s possible to use a copyright-protected work without infringing their copyright:

You’ve checked with the copyright holder, who has allowed you to use the content. It’s a good idea to get written permission from them, for example, in the form of a license agreement.
Some copyright holders make their works available to others for uncompensated reuse, with a few requirements. To learn more, you can read about Creative Commons licenses.
In some cases, you can use content from a work that’s protected by copyright without getting permission from the copyright holder. That’s because some uses of copyrighted works are considered „fair use” or may fall within a limitation or exception to copyright law such as fair dealing. If you’re not sure whether the use you’re considering is legal without permission, you may wish to consult a lawyer.

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