My personal tribute to my childhood heroes Bud Spencer and Terence Hill 😉
If you want to support me and my work, you can donate here:
Free download extended DJ version:
Free download video version:
Movie name:
German: Zwei wie Pech und Schwefel
English: Watch Out, We’re Mad
If you like this track, also check out my debut album:
Boo Bo Bo (& repeat about 1.000.000 times)
Lalalala Lalla
Lalalala Lalla
Lalalala Laa Lalaa Lalala Lalla
Lalalala Lalla
Lalalala Lalla
Lalalala Laa Lalaa Laa Laa
Lalalalaa Lala La Laa
Lala Lala
Lala Lalaa
Lalalalaa Lala La Laa
Lala Lala
Lala La.
Bob Bob Blodlobl, Bob Bob Blodlobl, Bob Bob Blodlobl(??!) … HA!
[… start from top again]
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