Chocolate Muffins 🧁


Recipe in English 🇺🇸👇👇👇

190г муки
1 ст.л разрыхлитель
Щепотка соли
100г сахар
2 Яйца
60мл молоко
60г растопленное сл.масло
140 г греческий йогурт
100г шоколад

Выпекать при 190°С
17-19 минут

Greek yogurt chocolate chip muffins 🌻

190g all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
100g granulated sugar
2 egg
60ml milk
60g unsalted butter (melted)
140g Greek yogurt (10%)
100 g dark chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 190°C
Mix together the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt
Add the milk, Greek yogurt, melted butter and egg
Stir in the dark chocolate chips

Bake at 190°C for 17 to 19 min
Let cool for 5 to 10min

(this recipe is for 12 muffins)

#muffins #baking #chocolate #breakfast #chocolatechipmuffins #recipe#shorts #yummy #muffins
#shorts #yummy

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