This funny light hearted entertainer revolves around the story of three men, Naren Ahuja (Ajay Devgn), who works in bank as a manager and is currently seeking divorce from his wife, Madhvi (Rituparna Sengupta), Abhay Suri (Emraan Hashmi) is a playboy and works as a gym trainer, and Milind Kelkar (Omi Vaidya) works in a matrimonial company and is in search for true love. Naren leaves his house and starts living in his parents’ house. Abhay and Milind are thrown out of their rented apartments and both land up as paying guests for Naren. Hence, the three of them start living together. Naren has a crush on June Pinto (Shazahn Padamsee), who works as an intern in his bank, Milind starts loving a radio jockey, Gungun Sarkar (Shraddha Das), and Abhay falls for Anushka Narang (Tisca Chopra), an ex-Ms. India, who married a multi-millionaire and has interests in young men…….
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