„you’ll never know the top till you get too low”
Man I’ve been waiting to make this since I stepped out of the theater. I listened to the KFP3 score a few days before the movie came out and I kept thinking Kai’s theme sounded vaguely familiar. Then when I saw Imagine Dragons in the credits it just clicked.
This was really really fun to make! I love playing with hard beats and Kai is such a badass villain I could not resist (my only complaint about him is he didn’t have more depth….why did you feel do betrayed by oogway? you effectively killed a panda. were you really just that power hungry, or did you want the power so that you could ensure the brother you loved would never be injured like that again?)
Song: I’m So Sorry
Artist: Imagine Dragons
Footage: Kung Fu Panda 3
Program: Sony Vegas Pro 10
Time: 1 week
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