Life Exam Prep Class – Different Types of Term Insurance

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Master the VOCABULARY by reviwing THIS PDF that will help you master this!
Do many Exam Simulators to condition your mind for a 100 question exam until you are getting 75%
Study the chapters you are weak in, then go back to doing the Exam Simulator.
Use process if elimination to increase your chance of getting the right answer.
If you don’t know the answer at all, DON’T PANIC… use common sense to do process of elimination! Choose the best answer flag it and move on. Don’t lose your confidence! Just move on and review it later!
Read the question twice. Make sure you know what they are asking you!
Read all the answers before answering any question, because they might have a better answer than the one you answered.
Trust your GUT, choose an answer and don’t change it.
Don’t rush, you have plenty time.

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