Mladencici-posni recept kod pravoslavnih hriscana slavi praznik Mladenci.Praznik je posvecen uspomeni na stradanje svetih 40 Mucenika Sevastijskih. Svi mucenici bili su mladici pa je narod uzeo taj dan kao praznih mladih supruznika(mladenaca)Koji taj dan primaju goste.
Obicaj je da zena ustaje rano i mesi kolacice od psenicnog brasna(mladencice),posle pecenja premazuje medom.
Mladencici sibolizuju dug,srecan i sladak zivot bracnog pare.
Na taj dan mladi bracni par se daruje poklonima kako bi im se olaksao pocetak zajednickog zivota a za uzvrat oni goste posluzuju mladencicima.
Srecan praznik svima koji slave dan ljubavi,poklona i kolacica.

On March 22, the Orthodox Christians celebrate the Feast of the Newlyweds. The holiday is dedicated to the memory of the suffering of the 40 holy Martyrs of Sevastopol. All the martyrs were young men, so the people took that day as empty young spouses (newlyweds) who receive guests that day.
It is customary for a woman to get up early and knead a cake of wheat flour (mladencice), and coat it with honey after baking.
Mladencici symbolize the long, happy and sweet life of a married couple.
On that day, the young married couple is given gifts to make it easier for them to start living together, and in return they serve the guests to the mladencicima.
Happy holiday to all who celebrate the day of love, gifts and cookies.

Potrebni sastojci/necessary ingredients

1/2kg brasna/1/2kg wheat flour
1kasicica soli/1teaspoon of salt
2kasike secera/2 spoons of sugar
10gr suvog kvasca/10g of dry yeast
250ml tople vode/250 ml of warm water
50ml suncokretovg ulja/50 ml of sunflower oil
aroma vanile po ukusu/vanilla aroma to taste
3-4kasike meda/3-4 spoons of honey

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