Online BCA is better then Regular BCA in 2023 ? | IGNOU Online| Distance education| BCA ka Banda

Online BCA is better then Regular BCA in 2023 ? | IGNOU Online| Distance education| College Vidya | BCA ka Banda

College VIdya ~

After this pandemic a new word comes more into consideration online degree .
Online degree courses are valuable degree courses provided by UGC-DEB recognized universities. Online and distance education is a valuable and recognized form of education established decades ago as an alternative to traditional classroom teaching.

The concept of distance education came into existence in 1982 in India when Dr B.R. Ambedkar University started providing open and distance courses, later several major universities got the recognition to provide online degree courses.

There were not many colleges at the beginning of distance education but now numerous universities have gained approval to provide open and distance learning courses and students also get the benefit of different courses to choose from.

After hearing this word online degree or distance degree first university that clicked into our mind is IGNOU ~ Online ignou program . So we also discussed about that in this video , there are a alot Best online bca colleges in india but we never know about them .

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#bcacourse #bcakabanda

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