STEM Online Education—Strategies for Successful Learning

The pace of technology is continually accelerating and it shows no sign of slowing. Students today must prepare for a world where lifelong learning will be essential in order to keep up. STEM courses and content present unique challenges, so how can we prepare students to compete in a worldwide digital age and how can we make digital education more effective?

Join Dr. Paul Woolner, Organizational and Learning Scientist, Dr. Steven Furino, Assistant Dean for Online Studies, University of Waterloo, and James Cooper, CEO of DigitalEd for this webinar, where they will discuss the tools and strategies for successful learning.

Watch this webinar to:

Find out why testing and retrieval, and challenging students with desirable difficulties is an effective tool to interrupt forgetting

Learn why dual channels for processing visual and auditory material drives student engagement and helps anchor abstract concepts

See real life courseware examples of STEM-focused questions and visualizations resulting in increased student performance and engagement

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