full documentary

Tobi színei: Transzneműnek lenni Magyarországon

Van egy pici falu Magyarországon, ahol Éva és családja él. 16 éves gyermeke nemrégiben transzneműként jelentkezett, és az általa választott…

3 hónap ago

The True Cost: Who Pays the Real Price for YOUR Clothes | Investigative Documentary

The True Cost: Who Pays the Real Price for YOUR Clothes | Investigative Documentary from 2015 This is a story…

2 év ago

Hitler and the Lords of Evil

Hitler would be the fallen angel, the devil, the man who hypnotized and horrified an entire people and plunged the…

2 év ago

World Class Trains – The Royal Canadian Pacific – Full Documentary

World Class Trains - The Royal Canadian Pacific Take a trip onboard some of the world's most luxurious, steam, diesel…

2 év ago

1944: The Canadian Armored Corps’ War For Italy | Greatest Tank Battles | Timeline

This is the story of the Canadian Armored Corps making their combat debut on the European mainland. It's like Netflix…

3 év ago

The Renaissance Art Of Passion (Waldemar Januszczak Documentary) | Perspective

Subscribe and click the bell icon to get more arts content every week: youtube.com/c/PerspectiveArts Waldemar focuses on Venice and its…

3 év ago

World’s Most Dangerous Roads | The Canadian Ice Roads | Free Documentary

World’s Most Dangerous Roads | The Canadian Ice Roads (2015) World’s Most Dangerous Roads - China - The Sichuan-Tibet Highway:…

3 év ago

The Haircut (Canadian Immigrant Story) | Real Stories Indie Docs

Marvin is 65. He hates to get his hair cut. With a modest (but expanding) grey afro on his head,…

3 év ago

How One Man Lead The Canadian Corps On The Western Front | Far From Home: Sam’s Army | Timeline

Sam's Army is a compelling portrait of a complex man and the formidable military he built. Sam Hughes was not…

4 év ago

Diana: The People’s Princess (FULL MOVIE)

A princess so tragically taken in the prime of her life, who came into the British Royal family and the…

4 év ago

Whitney Houston: We Will Always Love You (FULL DOCUMENTARY)

In this film we pay tribute to one of the worlds most loved and best selling music artists of all…

6 év ago