
$14,000 in Credit Card Debt & Wanted a RICH Man to Marry & Clear it!!

Woman with $14,000 in credit card debt wanted to marry a rich man to clear her debt after a string…

3 hét ago

Everyone laughed at me when I married this woman, until I proved to them what true love is

Should you be interested in extending your support to this admirable couple, we kindly invite you to follow this link…

1 év ago

I Vow (2021) | Full Movie | Romantic Movie | Drama Movie

Four unique stories about navigating the beautiful and challenging journey of marriage.

2 év ago

Kivanç Tatlitug IS MARRIED to Basak Dizer on february 2016 in Paris (Wedding photos)

Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ and Başak Dizer are married on february 2016. Başak Dizer is a fashion designer and she has been…

4 év ago