what is distance education

Is Distance and Online Education degree as valid as regular degree ?

Is Distance and Online Education degree as valid as regular degree ? This video gives clarity on above topic. Hope…

9 hónap ago

Regular , Distance & Online Education କଣ? – Difference between regualar and distance education

Regular , Distance & Online Education କଣ? - Difference between regualar and distance education #globoodisha,difference between regular and distance degree,difference…

1 év ago

what is distance education | Types of Distance learning | Education Terminology || SimplyInfo.net

Distance education - Any format of education provided to students who do not need to be physically present at an…

1 év ago

Difference between Distance Education and Distance & Online Education (Latest Video- July 2021) !!!

Difference between Distance Education and Distance & Online Education Normally student don't understand the difference between these two terms Distance…

2 év ago