A deductible is the portion of money you pay out of pocket to help cover repairs after an accident. Subscribe to GEICO: http://on.gei.co/2kvNnOw
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You’ve come this far, watch a few funny commercials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KN15Ynlh2Q&index=1&list=PLwTsyIROsaci1QO0NPXXbX415cSKjswiy
• Car Accident Procedure – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljjGN6xST_A&index=1&list=PLwTsyIROsacjI2tqUkLKetTapdawAwyvC&t=0s
/>• Rattling Hubcap – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VnMGz-jxds&index=8&list=PLwTsyIROsach9-RiibYbc1ld69n-ORMUG
/>• Parallel Parking – https://youtu.be/2QX8jTmjO_w
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