Yemin 56. Bölüm | The Promise Season 1 Episode 56

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Yemin 56. Bölüm: Emir, tehlikeli bir durumun ortasında kalan Reyhan ve annesi arasında bir seçim yapmak durumunda kalır. Emir, kimi kurtaracak? Tefeci olayını öğrenen Hikmet ise yeni kararlar alır. Cavidan’ı zor günler bekler. Öte yandan Talaz’ın polisler tarafından götürülmesi Leyla’yı şoke eder. Bu işte Kemal’in parmağı çıkarsa, Leyla’nın tepkisi nasıl olacak?

When Mr Hikmet is given a terminal diagnosis he wonders what will become of the fortune he has worked so hard to amass – he can’t leave everything to his frivolous son Emir. He travels to see Reyhan, the daughter of an old family friend. She is a kind and caring girl and Hikmet has her promise to marry Emir, securing a stable future for the family. But Emir makes his own promise – to punish his father for controlling his life he will treat Reyhan so badly that she is forced to leave him.


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